Radix: The Next Generation of Finance Protocol?

5 min readOct 18, 2020


Imagine a platform that seeks to be accessible to 7 billion people around the world, that seeks to solve problems at a technological level that is present today at the level of blockchain platforms, which is designed so that you can develop your platform of Exchange with incredibly fast speed and that gives you security in everything you store within its domains.
Sounds quite interesting, right?

What is Radix DLT?
Radix is a new virtual platform that is currently in its Alpha phase, and that wants to be an alternative to the already known Blockchain. One of the main strengths of Radix is that it is a scalable platform. This is because one of their main visions is that problems that arise today in current technology can be solved. In addition to this, Radix is a fairly easy-to-use platform that can be built and implemented through APIs, leaving aside the constant need to create Smart Contracts.

What can you do with Radix?
One of the first points to keep in mind with Radix is that you can create. Radix seeks to create an application that is decentralized and innovative, trying in this way to have other attractions within its structure such as, for example, creating your tokens that will be backed by assets. It can split the properties, you can create a global IoT data layer, and you can even have the option of creating an entirely new platform that is used as a loan carrier.

Almost everything is possible within Radix since with the Atom model with which it is structured, and it is easy to start creating and take the first steps within this platform. Developers will be able to use APIs and will not have to deal with Smart Contracts that are usually quite complex.

Something else that can be done with the Redix platform transfers. Radix is designed as a platform that will allow you to make payments more quickly to increase efficiency. Another goal is to keep fees low for transactions. The purpose of the system that Radix designed is to accept millions of users who use the platform in a crowded manner without causing saturation problems during its use. The high user traffic could mean a problem for Radix, but we will see that they have everything prepared to avoid unforeseen events.

The transactions carried out with Radix currently have a reasonably high speed, and it is even already competing with other platforms that have been in the market for much longer such as Visa and Alipay, taking into account that we just see what their testnet is.

Another attraction that Radix presents is the storage capacity. The ledger of this platform is really something impressive since you can find a decentralized database that, in addition to being a giant, will be backed up with enormous security for the peace of mind of its users.

People will be able to have complete control of the data that is valuable to them within an utterly immutable system. This is achieved because all the information received within Radix is cryptographically encoded, but the way to recover it is quite easy, so there is no major problem with its use.

Why use Radix?
We can safely say that Radix is a decentralized and public ledger, but that unlike the cryptocurrencies that are found around the world today such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, among others, it was not built with a structure of blockchain.

Other reasons why we can say that Radix is a platform that should be used is that they seek to solve three current problems with technology that can occur in blockchain platforms and that presents a problem for their users. The problems Radix seeks to address are the following:

Low scalability: Radix wants this to change once and for all. Its structure is designed to be highly scalable and in this way to put aside one of the three main problems in the technological field.

Intricate structure: Does Radix have a complicated structure to work with? The answer is that Radix has a structure that allows all users who use it to understand it and that the tools it provides are useful.

Variable rates: Unlike other exchange platforms, Radix will be implementing predictable rates that will be used in its transactions and in this way the user will be aware of the standard that is presented in each transaction.

Something important to keep in mind is that Radix will be able to work on almost any device, it is managed through APIs, it will have its token, it will be scalable enough for everyone, and it can be used simultaneously.

What tools does Radix have at your disposal?
Radix has a wide range of tools for the use of their schedules, within the tools we can find the API functions that will be in charge of generating accounts, transferring tokens and creating an encrypted message.

It also has a library of clients that will seek to separate clients into three types for better categorization. These groups are Java clients, JavaScript clients and clients with a Kotlin library.

Finally, we have that Radix will have open-source wallets. This will seek to consolidate more clients because it will attempt to be accessible on various platforms and will not only be present on a desktop platform, it will also have a presentation for Android and a Radix Client portfolio. Subsequently, it will seek to implement a hardware portfolio.

Radix is made up of a total of 18.4 quintillion shards, a relatively high number but one that is also necessary for it to work as expected.
One of the reasons why there are so many fragments within the Radix structure is because these will be used for transactions since the main use that they want to give them is that they join similar operations and separate those that are handled differently, This feature of Radix is utterly different from the one that occurs within blockchain transactions, which occur in deals made in blocks.

Since Radix eliminated the blockchain from their structure, they have already established a timeline for their transactions, and it is less than 10 seconds, this time is quite low, taking into account that there are billions of transfers coinciding.

After reading all this, it is easy to say that Radix will be a platform that will be talked about in the future, but seeing that people will be able to create their coins, a great question arises, and that is, how will Radix make its currency?
Indeed, the platform will have a currency that will be known as RAD (XRD); however, there is still time to obtain it since it is not yet active.

Everything sounds great. But there is still one downside that was mentioned earlier: Radix is still in its Alpha phase. But is this really a drawback? The truth is that no, Radix has on its page the download link of its wallets which can be downloaded and later tested to know the potential that this platform has.
With all this, it only remains to wait for Radix to stop being in its Alpha phase and to become available so that it can begin to be used in a way that the results that this platform will provide can be observed.

